Thursday, October 27, 2011


Samuel carved his first pumpkin this year. He had a lot of fun doing it. It may not be best on the block but it is still his.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This was the first weekend I have been off that I didn't already have something planned or a burnt leg in a long time. It was a real nice time to spend time with my family without having to be home at a certain time for bed or anything. Friday afternoon I grabbed a Nashville Parent magazine and just looked for some free/cheap stuff. I found a hayride/campfire at a Murfreesboro park for $2 and it was nice but cold. The campfire was real nice and Minerva and Samuel enjoyed the s'mores. The hayride was ok but it was to cold for Daniel by that point. I would have like to stay by the campfire a little longer and listen to the music but Minerva was ready to go.
Saturday we met up with Nicole and Laila at Cheekwood for a "Wild West Weekend". The weather was just amazing. If you have never been to Cheeckwood you should check it out. After walking around a couple hours we went to Logan's for lunch. Then went to an "ice cream" shop but everything is under 100 calories, which I feel in love with. Tasti D-lite!!! Then Sunday I was able to watch the Biggest Loser I mean Titans game.
Wish I had more weekends off but having 4 days off through the week I capture a lot more little memories. I love when Samuel learns something at school and teaches me at night. Or just watching him sing to Daniel when he cries.

Also. My wife and I made a decision a couple weeks ago that has made a few people concerned. First we would NEVER do anything to put our family in risk. We did ask questions and the doctor never said NO to our questions, we just needed to be more protective. I have also looked at other websites and everything was positive. I think people our against you when you do stuff outside the box. That is not a bad thing because the are concerned also but they have nothing to back it up. So EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE! But what made me agree is because Minerva was for it 100%. She is my wife and mother to my children and I will be behind her no matter what, except for taking directions from her.

Have a great day!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nothing New

Daniel is sleeping a little longer at night, which is good for Minerva. That is about it nothing new. Here are some pics from Nashville Zoo Ghouls at Grassmere.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Break

My mom and her husband were in town visiting for fall break. So Monday we went bowling and had a picnic in the park in Smyrna TN. The weather was wonderful!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Days Later

Daniel has been home a couple days and everything is going good. Samuel has been very good with the baby. I think he will be a very good big brother. He has been on fall break this weekend and he has been driving me a little crazy. Minerva is doing very well also. She is breast feeding and I feel bad there is nothing I can do in the middle of the night. The baby was a sleep last night so I stayed up and watch TV until he was hungry, then Minerva took over.

I am doing ok. I have only been to the gym once this week and it was only to do a little cardio. When I do not go to gym I don't eat right. I know it is a mental thing. I only eat maybe 2 times a day compared to 6 times. I just don't want to be one of those dads that gets fat just because they have kids. I have already been like that I will not go back. But once Samuel starts back to school I will be back on a normal schedule. Beside that everything else is going great!

CD of the week: Mumford & Sons-Sigh No More

1st: Me, Samuel and My Grandmother (2005)
2nd: My mom and Daniel (2011)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Daniel and Samuel

Samuel and Daniel

Hello my is Eddie Johnson. I am a only child and loved it. I grew up in Jackson TN. Moved to Murfreesboro when I was 22, just to get away. A year later found a good job and a great women working in the lab. So we got married. We finally bought a house in Antioch in 2005. It is a real nice cul de sac with a lot of good people on it. We have one of the best 4th of July parties a neighborhood could ask for. I have 2 childern now and no pets. Thats about it right now.
I have 2 video pages also.

Day 1

This is my 2nd blog, 1st one didn't last to long. This blog is for more family pictures and other pictures from my new camera that may or may not be of Facebook. This will also include more stories of the pictures. 99% of the stuff I write will try to be funny or bring a smile on your face. The other 1% will be more about me and my family. I know we are not the Cosby's but we are a normal family. So sit back and enjoy the ride.

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